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Weapon Type: ALL | Sword | 2H Sword | Bow | XBow | Gauntlet | Spear | Claw | Edoryu | Staff | 2H Staff | Blunt | Dagger
Proc Level: ALL | 0 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 | 35 | 40 | 45 | 50
Proc NameDescriptionWeapon NameLevel
Mending Rains Provides a healing spell that heals you and your party for 80% Fafurion's Waters of Mending - X 0
Gaia's Flood Provides a spell that deals massive AOE damage Fafurion's Waters of Mending - X 30
Cooling Rains Provides a cure for burning debuff effects when using the mending rains spell. Fafurion's Waters of Mending - X 40