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Clan Locos
Leader: Ukyo
Level: 3
Experince: 4915255
Skill Points: 5758
Reputation: 1255

Members of Clan Locos
1 Beetlejuice 109 Knight
2 Emberglin 105 Elf
3 SweetVictory 101 Reaper
4 Ukyo 96 Mage
5 Salto 96 Mage
6 TheTruth 94 Elf
7 Nylia 90 Mage
8 Telos 90 Elf
9 Jameson 86 Knight
10 Perks 83 Mage
11 Zatoichi 79 Mage
12 Destre 71 Knight
13 42 71 Mage
14 SUMOHULK 68 Knight
15 Nallion 67 Elf
16 Brumaal 64 Dark Elf

Skills Learned By Locos
Castle Acumen Lv1 Creates spawns of Sky Mage Acolyte throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Acumen Lv2 Updates spawns to Grand Sky Mage throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Acumen Lv3 Updates spawns to Sky Mage Elder throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Acumen Lv4 Updates spawns to Sky Arch Mage throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Certainty Lv1 Creates spawns of Sky Archer Scavenger throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Certainty Lv2 Updates spawns to Sky Archer Hunter throughout castle walls during seiges.
Castle Fortitude Lv1 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv2 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv3 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv4 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv5 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv6 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Fortitude Lv7 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Doors
Castle Occupancy Boosts abilities of clan members for owning a castle.
Castle Perseverance Lv1 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv2 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv3 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv4 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv5 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv6 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv7 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Perseverance Lv8 Increase the Health and Health Regen of Castle Towers
Castle Resolve Lv1 Creates spawns of Sky Pikeman Dimcerites throughout castle walls during seiges.
Clan Acumen Increases Clan Mp Regen by 10 MP per click.
Clan Aegis Increases clan members Damage Reduction by 10
Clan Dexterity Increases DEX by 1 for all clan members.
Clan Empowerment Increases INT by 1 for all clan members.
Clan Growth Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv2 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv3 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv4 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv5 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 3
Clan Lifeblood Increases clan members Health Regen by 10 per click
Clan Love [2014] Blessings of Love aquired by the clan boosts all members luck slightly and enables the -love command.
Clan Magic Protection Increases Clan Members Magic Resistance by 10
Clan Might Increases Clan Member STR by 1
Clan Radar Displays the location of other clan members as if they were in your party
Clan Soul Guard Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Soul Guard Lv2 Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Soul Guard Lv3 Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Soul Guard Lv4 Increases Soul Resistance of incoming attacks from soul weapons by 10
Clan Vitality Increases clan members Health Points value by 50
Gainak's Might Increases the Strength and Constitution of occupying clan members.
Honorable Nobility Allows the ability to offer an alliance to one other clan.
SiN-Dark Elf Dark Elves gain a 2% increase to Critical Damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-DragonKnight Illusionists gain a 2% decrease to incoming non-magic damage and a 2% increase to melee damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-Elf Elves gain a 2% increase to Critical Hit Chance for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-Knight Knights gain a 2% increase to melee damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-Mage Mages gain a 2% increase to Magic Damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
SiN-QQ Allows clan members to gang up on Immortal Zajako with all their QQing.
SiN-Royal Royals gain a 2% decrease to incoming non-magic damage for each clan member within a screen's radius from them.
Strength In Numbers Allows the clan to learn Strength in Numbers skills which boost clan members based on other nearby characters.