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Clan Imperial Legion
Leader: BenHoliday
Level: 2
Experince: 487846
Skill Points: 2907
Reputation: 6154

Members of Clan Imperial Legion
1 Marillion 97 Reaper
2 Darkblade 93 Knight
3 BenHoliday 93 Royal
4 Endora 86 Mage
5 PokeApoof 81 Reaper
6 AbelOfAsh 75 Knight
7 Dargon 70 Mage
8 Patron 67 Knight
9 FeralShadow 65 Elf

Skills Learned By Imperial Legion
Clan Growth Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv2 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Growth Lv3 Increases the number of allowed clan members by 1
Clan Love [2014] Blessings of Love aquired by the clan boosts all members luck slightly and enables the -love command.
Honorable Nobility Allows the ability to offer an alliance to one other clan.