Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Vote for Lineage 1.5
Donation Calculator

Classes:Royal Knight Mage Elf Dark Elf DragonKnight Illusionist Weight:1000
Armor Class:0Type:Helm
Safe Enchant:3Material:Blackmithril
Grade:XDamage Reduction:0
Bow Hit Bonus:0Weight Reduction:0
Strength Bonus:0Intelligence Bonus:0
Constitution Bonus:0Wisdom Bonus:0
Dexterity Bonus:0Charisma Bonus:0
Health Bonus:0Mana Bonus:0
Health Regen Bonus:0Mana Regen Bonus:0
Magic Defense Bonus:0Spell Power Bonus:0
Fire Defense:0Earth Defense:0
Water Defense:0Wind Defense:0

Passive Ability

When equipped it decreases your effective platform level by 3, allowing you to traverse the platforms deeper than before!

Soul Chart
HitCritBase StatsSub StatsElementsAbility
0 0 +0/+0/+0/+0 +0/+0/+0/+0 +0 +0
1 500 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
2 1000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
3 3000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
4 6000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
5 12000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
6 12000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
7 16000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
8 24000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
9 44000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
10 52000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
11 58000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
12 62000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
13 72000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
14 80000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
15 100000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
16 116000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
17 136000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
18 158000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
19 190000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +5
20 300000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+4 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +5
21 400000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
22 500000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +10
23 640000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
24 780000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +10
25 920000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
26 1100000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +10
27 2320000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
28 3560000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +10
29 4800000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
30 5600000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+5 +0 +0 Strength+1 HP +10
31 5600000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
32 5600000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
33 8000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
34 8000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
35 12000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
36 12000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
37 18000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+3/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
38 18000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+4/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
39 25000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 +0/+0/+3/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
40 25000000 +0/+0/+0/+2 -1/+0/+4/+20 +0 +0 Strength+1 Constitution+1 HP +10
Totals +0/+0/+0/+80 -14/+0/+140/+330 +0 +0 Strength+40 Constitution+25 HP +300 0

Crafting/Questing Information

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