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Donation Calculator

Classes:Royal Knight Mage Elf Dark Elf DragonKnight Illusionist Weight:1000
Armor Class:-1Type:Jewel
Safe Enchant:Not EnchantableMaterial:Animalmatter
Grade:NoGradeDamage Reduction:0
Bow Hit Bonus:0Weight Reduction:0
Strength Bonus:0Intelligence Bonus:0
Constitution Bonus:0Wisdom Bonus:0
Dexterity Bonus:0Charisma Bonus:0
Health Bonus:0Mana Bonus:0
Health Regen Bonus:0Mana Regen Bonus:0
Magic Defense Bonus:0Spell Power Bonus:0
Fire Defense:0Earth Defense:0
Water Defense:0Wind Defense:0

Npc NameMinMaxRarityTier
Magical Turkey 1 1   All

Auction Listings

This is an equip-able jewel ready for socketing. By equipping it, you are able to use the command -hpbar which allows you to see the health bars above enemy monsters, without the need of using Eye of Enemy Health items.
buy Ancient Glass Eye 300gc
buy Ancient Glass Eye 300gc