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Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Orcish DaggerDagger23View
Dice DaggerDagger13View
Body of ShortswordSword22View
Elven DaggerDagger43View
Lastabad DaggerDagger43View
Ivory Tower DaggerDagger55View
Mithril DaggerDagger65View
Oriharukon DaggerDagger77View
Lastabad BladeDagger88View
Dagger of CrystalDagger104View
Wind Blade DaggerDagger2316View
Claw of ChaosDagger182View
Body of Long SwordSword33View
Body of Oriharukon SwordSword44View
Orcish Short SwordSword44View
Mail BreakerSword45View
Broad SwordSword46View
Short SwordSword68View
Silver SwordSword77View
Dwarvish Short SwordSword78View
Elven Short SwordSword88View
Long Silver SwordSword812View
Sword of the Red KnightSword812View
Long SwordSword812View
Eva's ScornSword99View
Sword of Lord PorcheSword1112View
Fire Sword of Death KnightSword1610View
Doom BladeSword1616View
Pan's HornSinglespear22View
Mithril-coated HornSinglespear44View
Orcish SpearSinglespear46View
Elven SpearSinglespear78View
Oriharukon-coated HornSinglespear78View
Elven Sword of Magic ResistanceSword88View
Elven Sword of DexteritySword88View
Crystal StaffStaff11View
Staff of Black WizardStaff11View
Wand of LaiaStaff11View
Jet-Black Crystal BallStaff11View
Staff of DemonStaff11View
Ivory Tower StaffStaff22View
Staff of Ice QueenStaff23View
Lastabad StaffStaff23View
Staff of BelethStaff23View
Staff of BaphometStaff23View
Staff of SorceryStaff23View
Staff of ManaStaff33View
Steel Staff of ManaStaff33View
Oak StaffStaff34View
Wizard's StaffStaff45View
Staff of Red CrystalTohandstaff88View
Staff of StrengthStaff99View
Staff of New KingTohandstaff99View
Wisdom of the Ancient PeopleStaff1010View
Crystalized StaffTohandstaff1315View
Hunter BowBow22View
Orcish BowBow22View
Short BowBow22View
Bow of IllusionBow33View
Cursed Sword of DantesSword1922View
Elven Sword of ConstitutionSword88View
Elven Short Sword of ConstitutionSword88View
Spear of Sheba HumanSpear520View
Staff of GirtasTohandstaff1515View
Elven Bow of DexterityBow22View
Apprentice Wizard StaffStaff45View
Mystery StaffStaff00View
Ivory Tower StaffStaff22View
Sword of LegendDagger88View
Dagger of Blue SkyDagger86View
Staff of Blue SkyStaff85View
Unknown 241Sword1012View
Magic Wand of ShamanStaff11View
Small Hammer of HappinessBlunt11View
Dagger (Blessed)Dagger42View
Elven Dagger (Blessed)Dagger43View
Mithril Dagger (Blessed)Dagger65View
Oriharukon Dagger (Blessed)Dagger77View
Silver Sword (Blessed)Sword77View
Scimitar (Blessed)Sword88View
Elven Short Sword (Blessed)Sword88View
Long Silver Sword (Blessed)Sword812View
Elven Spear (Blessed)Singlespear78View
Staff of New King (Blessed)Tohandstaff99View
Hunters Bow (Blessed)Bow22View
Bow (Blessed)Bow22View
Orcish Dagger (Cursed)Dagger23View
Dice Dagger (Cursed)Dagger13View
Scimitar (Cursed)Sword88View
Gradius (Cursed)Sword911View
Orcish Bow (Cursed)Bow22View
Thor's HammerBlunt712View
Sword of OrdealSword1010View
Sword of OrdealSword1010View
Sword of OrdealSword1010View
Sword of OrdealSword1010View
Pumpkin SwordSword55View
Prov's ScornSword99View
Sword of GM WrathSword8080View
FireMagic's Edoryu (Blessed)Edoryu3030View
Vampiric Rage Sword [B]Sword2019View
Sword of Valhalla [B]Sword1010View
Kris [B]Dagger2010View
Kaim Vanul's Bones [B]Staff11View
Apprentice WandStaff55View
Apprentice BowBow66View
Apprentice Long SwordSword1212View
GM BowSinglebow9999View
Sword of Miracles [A]Sword1715View
Soul Seperator [A] (Blessed)Dagger2516View
Branch of the Mother Tree [A] (Blessed)Staff2119View
Sword of Miracles [Mana Steal][A] (Blessed)Sword1918View
Branch of the Mother Tree [Mana Steal][A] (Blessed)Staff2524View
Test Sword (Blessed)Tohandsword2929View
Sword of Miracles [Empower][A] (Blessed)Sword1715View
Sword of Miracles [ManaUp][A] (Blessed)Sword1715View
Soul Separator [Focus][A] (Blessed)Dagger2516View
Soul Separator [Guidance][A] (Blessed)Dagger2516View
Soul Separator [DamageUp][A] (Blessed)Dagger2617View
Dual Keshanberk Swords [Usability][A] (Blessed)Edoryu2120View
Branch of the Mother Tree [Conversion][A] (Blessed)Staff2119View
Branch of the Mother Tree [Empower][A] (Blessed)Staff2119View
Arcana Mace [S]Blunt2520View
Arcana Mace [ManaSteal][S] (Blessed)Blunt2520View
Arcana Mace [ManaUp][S] (Blessed)Blunt2520View
Arcana Mace [ManaRegen][S] (Blessed)Blunt2520View
Imperial Staff [S]Tohandstaff3530View
Imperial Staff [Empower][S] (Blessed)Tohandstaff3530View
Imperial Staff [CritStun][S] (Blessed)Tohandstaff3530View
Angel Slayer [S]Dagger3528View
Angel Slayer [CritDamage][S] (Blessed)Dagger3528View
Angel Slayer [Haste][S] (Blessed)Dagger3528View
Angel Slayer [VampRage][S] (Blessed)Dagger3528View
Imperial Staff [MpRegen][S] (Blessed)Tohandstaff3530View
Zariche (Cursed)Tohandsword8888View
Blood Sword Akamanah (Cursed)Edoryu8888View
Hyrulian Master Sword (Blessed)Sword55View
Hyrulian Master Sword+ (Blessed)Sword6565View
Blade of Zeus [S80]Sword00View
Heaven's Fang [S80]Dagger00View
Staff of Eden [S80]Staff00View
Vesper Staff [S80]Tohandstaff00View
Bow of Elven BlessingBow00View
Ritual BladeDagger00View
Zajako's Soul Blade [S80]Sword00View
Dark Screamer [C]Dagger138View
Evil Pumpkin SwordSword00View
Stick of Faith [C]Staff77View
Zajako's Toy Soul BladeSword55View
Khopesh of the Underworld [S80]Sword00View
Sword of a Thousand TruthsSword120120View
Cupid's Bow of LoveBow00View
Cocky Prick (Blessed)Blunt11View
Magic Sword of IntuitionStaff11View
The PROFESSI0NAL [S80] (Blessed)Sword00View
Zajako's Epic Staff [S80]Staff00View
Inferno Sword [NG]Sword00View
Haunting Staff [X] (Blessed)Staff00View
Inferno Bow [NG]Bow00View
Inferno Claw [NG]Claw00View
Inferno Staff [NG]Staff00View
Glacier Sword [NG]Sword00View
Glacier Bow [NG]Bow00View
Glacier Staff [NG]Staff00View
Glacier Claw [NG]Claw00View
Freya's Claws [S80]Claw00View
Zakaron's Claws [S80]Claw00View
Zakaron's Staff [S80]Staff00View
Freya's Staff [S80]Staff00View
Freya's Bow [S80]Bow00View
Zakaron's Bow [S80]Bow00View
Zakaron's Sword [S80]Sword00View
Freya's Sword [S80]Sword00View
Elizabeth's Royal Rattle [X] (Blessed)Blunt00View
Zajako's Epic Crossbow [S80]Singlebow00View
Bow of Haunting - XBow00View
Antharas' Quill - X (Blessed)Dagger00View
Haunting Blade [X]Tohandsword00View
The Naughty List [X]Staff00View
Amethyst Bow of Love [2013] (Blessed)Bow00View
Ruby Bow of Love [2013][A] (Blessed)Bow00View
Sapphire Bow of Love [2013][A] (Blessed)Bow00View
Pearl Bow of Love [2013][S] (Blessed)Bow00View
Onyx Bow of Love [2013][S] (Blessed)Bow00View
Zajako's Hidden Blade [X] (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Zelin, The Holy Blade [X] (Blessed)Sword00View
Amelia's Royal Rattle [X] (Blessed)Blunt00View
Smellin, The Holey Blade (Blessed)Sword00View
Zajako's Hidden Babes [X] (Blessed)Staff00View
Frost Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Naegling, The Broken Sword [X] (Blessed)Dagger00View
Sharanga, Bow of Halting - X (Blessed)Bow00View
Valakas' Caster - X (Blessed)Staff00View
Pumpkin Sword+Sword5050View
Staff of Ra [X]Staff00View
Fafurion's Fin Blade - X (Blessed)Sword00View
Lightsaber - 2015 (Blessed)Sword3030View
Lightsaber+ - 2015Sword7070View
Cinco De Mayo Maracas - 2015Tohandblunt1010View
Zajako's Blade of Truth [X] (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - X (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Lightsaber - TFA (Blessed)Sword3030View
Lightsaber+ - TFASword7070View
C} Orcish Short SwordSword44View
Valakas' Caster - Event+ (Blessed)Staff00View
Valakas' Bone Sword - X (Blessed)Sword00View
Valakas' Bone Sword - Event+ (Blessed)Sword00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - XDagger00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - Event+Dagger00View
Valakas' Wing Bow - X (Blessed)Bow00View
Valakas' Wing Bow - Event+ (Blessed)Bow00View
Valakas' Tail Blade - X (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Valakas' Tail Blade - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Valakas' Wing Bow - Uncharged (Blessed)Bow00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - UnchargedDagger00View
Valakas' Caster - Uncharged (Blessed)Staff00View
Valakas' Bone Sword - Uncharged (Blessed)Sword00View
Valakas' Tail Blade - Uncharged (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Samurai Katana (Blessed)Sword1012View
Samurai Katana+ (Blessed)Sword8080View
Sai (Blessed)Dagger1012View
Sai+ (Blessed)Dagger8080View
Dual Sai (Blessed)Edoryu1012View
Dual Sai+ (Blessed)Edoryu8080View
Tekko-Kagi (Blessed)Claw1012View
Tekko-Kagi+ (Blessed)Claw8080View
Kyudoka Yumi (Blessed)Bow1012View
Kyudoka Yumi+ (Blessed)Bow8080View
Shakujo (Blessed)Tohandstaff1012View
Shakujo+ (Blessed)Tohandstaff8080View
Yari (Blessed)Spear1012View
Yari+ (Blessed)Spear8080View
Kanabo (Blessed)Blunt1012View
Kanabo+ (Blessed)Blunt8080View
A180 Blaster PistolSinglebow2525View
A180 Blaster Pistol+Singlebow7070View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - X (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - Event+ (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - Uncharged (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Antharas' Quill - Event+ (Blessed)Dagger00View
Lindvior's Caster - Event+ (Blessed)Staff00View
Antharas' Tail Spike - X (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Antharas' Tail Spike - Event+ (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Antharas' Tail Spike - UnchargedSinglespear00View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - X (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - Event+ (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - UnchargedEdoryu00View
Antharas' Claw Axe - X (Blessed)Blunt00View
Antharas' Claw Axe - Event+ (Blessed)Blunt00View
Antharas' Claw Axe - UnchargedBlunt00View
Antharas' Wand - X (Blessed)Staff00View
Antharas' Wand - Event+ (Blessed)Staff00View
Antharas' Wand - UnchargedStaff00View
Brioche WandStaff11View
Challah StaffTohandstaff11View
Eight Grain MalletBlunt11View
Kifli BowBow11View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - Event+ (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - UnchargedSinglebow00View
Lindvior's Leverage - X (Blessed)Sword00View
Lindvior's Leverage - Event+ (Blessed)Sword00View
Lindvior's Leverage - Uncharged (Blessed)Sword00View
Lindvior's Caster - UnchargedStaff00View
Lindvior's Caster - X (Blessed)Staff00View
Antharas' Quill - UnchargedDagger00View
Lindvior's Lament - X (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Lindvior's Lament - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Lindvior's Lament - Uncharged (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Lindvior's WingSpur - XDagger00View
Lindvior's WingSpur - Event+Dagger00View
Lindvior's WingSpur - UnchargedDagger00View
Mespliffz's Kifli BowBow11View
Shamrock CutterDagger55View
Shamrock ChopperBlunt55View
Shamrock CasterStaff55View
Shamrock ShooterBow44View
Fafurion's Hydro Blade - X (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Fafurion's Hydro Blade - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Fafurion's Hydro Blade - Uncharged (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Fafurion's Fin Blade - Event+ (Blessed)Sword00View
Fafurion's Fin Blade - Uncharged (Blessed)Sword00View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - X (Blessed)Blunt00View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - Event+ (Blessed)Blunt00View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - UnchargedBlunt00View
Fafurion's SS-XP 2000 - X (Blessed)Bow00View
Fafurion's SS-XP 2000 - Event+ (Blessed)Bow00View
Fafurion's SS-XP 2000 - Uncharged (Blessed)Bow00View
Fafurion's Scatterblaster - X (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Fafurion's Scatterblaster - Event+ (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Fafurion's Scatterblaster - UnchargedSinglebow00View
Fafurion's CrestBreakers - X (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Fafurion's CrestBreakers - Event+ (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Fafurion's CrestBreakers - UnchargedEdoryu00View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - X (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - UnchargedTohandstaff00View
Valakas' Cinder Staff - X (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - X (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - Event+ (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - Uncharged (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Valakas' Cinder Staff - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Valakas' Cinder Staff - Uncharged (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Empava's Big Bulky Cannon - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
KingNothing's Heavy Metal - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Armydude's Stars and Stripes - XR (Blessed)Bow00View
Aeacos' Sword of Judgement - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Evil Pumpkin Sword - XRSword00View
Evil Pumpkin Bow - XRBow00View
Evil Pumpkin Staff - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Lindvior's Lament - XR (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Lindvior's Leverage - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Lindvior's Caster - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Lindvior's WingSpur - XRDagger00View
Lindvior's Horn Spear - X (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Lindvior's Horn Spear - Event+ (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Lindvior's Horn Spear - UnchargedSinglespear00View
Lindvior's Horn Spear - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Sword of Goujian - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Marv's Engraver - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Rei's Lightsaber - ROS (Blessed)Sword3030View
Rei's Lightsaber+ - ROSSword8080View
Kubikiribocho - XR (Blessed)Blunt00View
Heart AxeBlunt55View
Heart BowBow33View
Heart StaffStaff55View
Heart SwordSword55View
Heart DaggerDagger11View
Antharas' Claw Axe - XR (Blessed)Blunt00View
Antharas' Quill - XR (Blessed)Dagger00View
Antharas' Tail Spike - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - XR (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Antharas' Wand - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Fafurion's CrestBreakers - XR (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Fafurion's Fin Blade - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Fafurion's Hydro Blade - XR (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Fafurion's Scatterblaster - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Fafurion's SS-XP 2000 - XR (Blessed)Bow00View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - XR (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - XR (Blessed)Blunt00View
Zaken's Dual Blades - XR (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Patriotic Flag Staff - 2022 (Blessed)Staff11View
Beetlejuice's Trident - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Empava's Totsuka Blade - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Daedalus' Eternal Flame - XR (Blessed)Blunt00View
Beetlejuice's Blaster - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - XR (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Valakas' Cinder Staff - XR (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Valakas' Tail Blade - XR (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Valakas' Wing Bow - XR (Blessed)Bow00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - XRDagger00View
Valakas' Bone Sword - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Valakas' Caster - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Insolence Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
temp (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Freya's Ice Bow - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Ahsoka's LightsabersEdoryu4040View
Ahsoka's Lightsabers+ (Blessed)Edoryu120120View
Fawx's Kifli BowBow11View
Soul Forged Wand - HX (Blessed)Staff00View
Soul Forged Wand - MX (Blessed)Staff00View
Soul Forged Wand - LX (Blessed)Staff00View
Soul Forged Staff - HX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Soul Forged Staff - MX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Soul Forged Staff - LX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Soul Forged Sword - HX (Blessed)Sword00View
Soul Forged Sword - MX (Blessed)Sword00View
Soul Forged Sword - LX (Blessed)Sword00View
Soul Forged Shooter - HX (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Soul Forged Shooter - MX (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Soul Forged Shooter - LX (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Soul Forged Longbow - HX (Blessed)Bow00View
Soul Forged Longbow - MX (Blessed)Bow00View
Soul Forged Longbow - LX (Blessed)Bow00View
Soul Forged Spear - HX (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Soul Forged Spear - MX (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Soul Forged Spear - LX (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Soul Forged Dagger - HX (Blessed)Dagger00View
Soul Forged Dagger - MX (Blessed)Dagger00View
Soul Forged Dagger - LX (Blessed)Dagger00View
Soul Forged Axe - HX (Blessed)Blunt00View
Soul Forged Axe - MX (Blessed)Blunt00View
Soul Forged Axe - LX (Blessed)Blunt00View
WinDBreaker's Kifli BowBow11View
Empava's Kifli BowBow11View
Dragon's Fury - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Cloudburst - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Glacial Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Inferno Blade - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Energy Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Infinite Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Temporal Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Frost Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Frost Dagger - SE (Blessed)Dagger00View
Frost Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Freya's Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Mephisto's Blade - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Mephisto's Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Mephisto's Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Inferno Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Inferno Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Blaze Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Blaze Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Blaze Dagger - SE (Blessed)Dagger00View
Elmorian Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Dimensional Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Omnipotent Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Elmorian Dagger - SE (Blessed)Dagger00View
Elmorian Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Omnipotent Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Elmorian Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Empava's Totsuka Blade - SE (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Pumpkin Eater Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Pumpkin Eater Sword - SE (Blessed)Sword00View
Pumpkin Eater Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Broken Pumpkin Pail - Event (Blessed)Blunt00View
Glowing Pumpkin Pail - Event (Blessed)Blunt00View
Hate's 9in Nail (Blessed)Dagger00View