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Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Valakas' Bone Sword - Event+ (Blessed)Sword00View
Sapphire Bow of Love [2013][A] (Blessed)Bow00View
Soul Forged Shooter - MX (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Dagger (Blessed)Dagger42View
Diad Fortress EdoryuEdoryu1511View
Two Handed SwordTohandsword1416View
Sword of LegendDagger88View
Empava's Totsuka Blade - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - X (Blessed)Blunt00View
Ivory Tower BowBow22View
Soul Forged Sword - HX (Blessed)Sword00View
Mespliffz's Kifli BowBow11View
Fafurion's Fin Blade - XR (Blessed)Sword00View
Soul Forged Kiringku - LX (Blessed)Kiringku00View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - Event+ (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Elven BowBow22View
Bow of Elven BlessingBow00View
Sword of Miracles [A]Sword1715View
Steel ClawClaw108View
Hyrulian Master Sword (Blessed)Sword55View
Stealth ClawClaw1412View
Dragon Grinder [CriticalPoison][A] (Blessed)Claw2524View
Fafurion's WaveAxe - Event+ (Blessed)Blunt00View
Inferno Axe - SE (Blessed)Blunt00View
Valakas' Caster - Event+ (Blessed)Staff00View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - X (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Pumpkin Eater Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Tekko-Kagi (Blessed)Claw1012View
Ivory Tower Stone BowBow22View
Great SwordTohandsword1714View
Zajako's Soul Blade [S80]Sword00View
Staff of GirtasTohandstaff1515View
Heart StaffStaff55View
Edoryu of AbyssEdoryu1410View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - UnchargedSinglebow00View
Elmorian Spear - SE (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Oak StaffStaff34View
Zakaron's Kiringku [S80]Kiringku00View
Fangs of Destiny [S80]Edoryu00View
Ancient Great SwordTohandsword2442View
Dragon Hunter Axe [S]Tohandblunt4040View
Lastabad Cross BowBow33View
Long Silver SwordSword812View
Ahsoka's Lightsabers+ (Blessed)Edoryu120120View
Onyx Bow of Love [2013][S] (Blessed)Bow00View