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Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Inferno GreatSword - SE (Blessed)Tohandsword00View
Sapphire Bow of Love [2013][A] (Blessed)Bow00View
Sword of LegendDagger88View
Antharas' Tail Spike - XR (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Soul Forged Wand - LX (Blessed)Staff00View
Dragon Hunter Axe [Health][S] (Blessed)Tohandblunt4040View
Sword of Miracles [Mana Steal][A] (Blessed)Sword1918View
Elven BowBow22View
Glaive (Blessed)Spear610View
Two-Handed Sword (Blessed)Tohandsword1416View
Apprentice WandStaff55View
Devil's ClawClaw2018View
Yumi (Blessed)Bow33View
Fafurion's Waters of Mending - Event+ (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - XRDagger00View
Soul Forged Staff - LX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Lightsaber - TFA (Blessed)Sword3030View
Soul Separator [Focus][A] (Blessed)Dagger2516View
Antharas' Spine Thrower - XR (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Dice DaggerDagger13View
Pan's HornSinglespear22View
Lastabad BowBow22View
Claw of PurgatoryClaw1412View
Angel Slayer [S]Dagger3528View
Kanabo (Blessed)Blunt1012View
Staff of New King (Blessed)Tohandstaff99View
Blade of Zeus [S80]Sword00View
Zajako's Epic Staff [S80]Staff00View
Soul Forged Claw - LX (Blessed)Claw00View
Dark Elf's Training SwordSword78View
Elven Sword of ConstitutionSword88View
Damascus SwordSword1011View
Inferno Sword [NG]Sword00View
Samurai Longsword [C]Sword1819View
Unknown CrossbowSinglebow32View
Soul Forged Staff - HX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Dark ClawClaw1411View
Soul Forged Dagger - HX (Blessed)Dagger00View
Steel ClawClaw108View
Freya's Staff [S80]Staff00View
Valakas' Fang Knife - UnchargedDagger00View
Basalt Battlehammer [VampRage][S]Blunt3030View
Long Sword of Pretender KingSword1310View
Body of Oriharukon SwordSword44View
Longbow of MoonBow44View
Frost Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Ahsoka's Lightsabers+ (Blessed)Edoryu120120View
Demon Splitter [Health][S] (Blessed)Claw3129View