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Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeSDmgLDmgOptions
Two-Handed Sword of VarlokTohandsword57View
Kyudoka Yumi+ (Blessed)Bow8080View
Sword of Ancient ElfSword1212View
Lindvior's Lightbringer - UnchargedSinglebow00View
Angel Slayer [Haste][S] (Blessed)Dagger3528View
Crystalized StaffTohandstaff1315View
Large Sword of BloodTohandsword1012View
Freya's Staff [S80]Staff00View
C} Orcish Short SwordSword44View
Valakas' Spike Gauntlet - XR (Blessed)Gauntlet00View
Soul Forged Staff - MX (Blessed)Tohandstaff00View
Eminence Bow [C]Bow56View
Inferno Bow - SE (Blessed)Bow00View
Bow of Blue SkyBow33View
Elven SpearSinglespear78View
Soul Forged Shooter - HX (Blessed)Singlebow00View
Magic Sword of IntuitionStaff11View
Dragon Slayer [CriticalPoison][A] (Blessed)Tohandsword3535View
Claw of HateClaw2615View
Lightsaber+ - TFASword7070View
Lucern Hammer (Blessed)Spear911View
Zakaron's Whip [S80]Chainsword00View
Lindvior's Caster - XR (Blessed)Staff00View
Soul Bow [Guidance][A] (Blessed)Bow1212View
Staff of ManaStaff33View
Kaim Vanul's Bones [B]Staff11View
Broken Pumpkin Pail - Event (Blessed)Blunt00View
Evil Pumpkin Bow - XRBow00View
Branch of the Mother Tree [Conversion][A] (Blessed)Staff2119View
Hunters Bow (Blessed)Bow22View
Silver Sword (Blessed)Sword77View
Kubikiribocho - XR (Blessed)Blunt00View
Sword of Red DesireDagger108View
IT Two-Handed SwordTohandsword1212View
Antharas' Twin Slicers - X (Blessed)Edoryu00View
Edoryu of Auger BladeEdoryu88View
Heaven's Divider [Health][S]Tohandsword4141View
Dark EdoryuEdoryu128View
Dual Sai (Blessed)Edoryu1012View
Sword of SilenceSword1212View
Lastabad BowBow22View
Antharas' Tail Spike - Event+ (Blessed)Singlespear00View
Two-Handed Sword of Pretender King (Blessed)Tohandsword1620View
Zakaron's Sword [S80]Sword00View
Lastabad DaggerDagger43View
Glacier Staff [NG]Staff00View
Yumi (Blessed)Bow33View
Pumpkin Eater Staff - SE (Blessed)Staff00View
Mystery StaffStaff00View