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Armor Type: Helmet | T-Shirt | Body Armor | Cloak | Gloves | Boots | Sets
Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeACOptions
Undies of LoyaltyT-4View
GM CloakCloak-25View
Bunny Snuggie of Loyalty [2015] (Blessed)Cloak-4View
Sealed Majestic Plate Armor [A]Armor-10View
Chainmail of the Forest [X] (Blessed)Armor0View
Unknown CloakCloak-6View
Arch Wizard Shoes [T5] (Blessed)Boots0View
Medusa Queen's Fancy Gloves [A]Glove-5View
Magical Armor of AntharasArmor-11View
Soul Forged Boots - HXBoots0View
Unknown Leather ArmorArmor-12View
Tarak's RobeArmor-13View
Gloves of the Mother Tree [X] (Blessed)Glove0View
Tower Boots - SE (Blessed)Boots0View
Scale of DeathGlove-3View
Patriotic Panties - 2017T-1View
Gloves of Pretender KingGlove-1View
Crystal GlovesGlove-3View
Transmaterial Cloak+ (Blessed)Cloak-20View
Bunny Slippers of Loyalty [2013] (Blessed)Boots-7View
Bunny Mittens of Loyalty [2012] (Blessed)Glove-7View
Cow King's Hooves (Blessed)Boots-10View
Sayha's Tunic - XR (Blessed)T-3View
Samurai Suneate (Blessed)Boots-6View
Leather JacketArmor-1View
Paa'grio's Tunic - XR (Blessed)T-3View
Empava's Shirt of Experience (Blessed)T0View
Elmorian Gloves - SE (Blessed)Glove0View
Famine's Boots - X (Blessed)Boots0View
Pumpkin Armor of Loyalty [2012]Armor-7View
Samurai Suneate+ (Blessed)Boots-14View
Majestic Leather Armor [Light][A] (Blessed)Armor-8View
Tarak's CloakCloak-2View
Soul Forged Sabatons - LXBoots0View
Forgotten Leather ArmorArmor-1View
Water CloakCloak-3View
Orcish Chain Mail (Cursed)Armor-4View
Shamrock BreastplateArmor15View
Transmaterial Breastplate+ (Blessed)Armor-20View
Shadow MaskHelm-2View
Orcish HelmHelm-1View
Gauntlet of Nightmare [Light][A] (Blessed)Glove-6View
Elmorian Brigandine - SE (Blessed)Armor0View
Red Knight CloakCloak-1View
Bunny Mittens of Loyalty [2014] (Blessed)Glove-7View
Cap of SemaHelm-2View
Guardian Helm+ (Blessed)Helm-10View
Soul Forged Sabatons - MXBoots0View
John Wick Costume - 2019+ (Blessed)Armor-20View