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Accessory Type: Amulet | Ring | Earrings | Belt | Guarder | Shield | Brooch | Jewel | Pouch
Class Type: Knight | Royal | Elf | Mage | Dark Elf | Illusionist | Dragonknight  Grade: No Grade | C | B | A | S | S80 | X
 Item NameTypeACMROptions
Crafted Ring of Hero 3 (Earth Spirit)Ring00View
Ancient Opal Lv10Jewel-10View
Sealed Phoenix Ring [A]Ring013View
Loyalty Earrings of Rabbit Feet [2015]Earring-10View
Rabbit RingRing-20View
Cursed Sapphire Ring (Cursed)Ring00View
Armor of Death PieceShield-10View
Ancient Amethyst Lv6Jewel-10View
Shield of EvaShield-30View
Ancient Opal Lv1Jewel-10View
Belt of New Life (fire)Earring-10View
Amulet of Understanding [X] (Blessed)Amulet00View
Ancient Garnet Lv5Jewel-10View
Ancient Topaz Lv9Jewel-10View
Ancient Sapphire Lv10Jewel-10View
Earrings of the Deep Sea Kraken [S80]Earring-320View
Ancient Cat's Eye Lv1Jewel-10View
Reckless EarringsEarring-30View
Amulet of Blue CurseAmulet00View
Cinco De Mayo Party Earrings [2012]Earring-320View
Ancient Sapphire Lv9Jewel-10View
Majestic Necklace [A] (Blessed)Amulet-112View
Loyalty Earrings of Rabbit Feet - 2020Earring-10View
Ancient Garnet Lv2Jewel-10View
Golden Egg of Loyalty - 2019Jewel-10View
Ancient Garnet Lv10Jewel-10View
Top-Grade PouchBeltloop100View
Ancient Onyx Lv6Jewel-10View
Ancient Pearl Lv1Jewel-10View
Ancient Amethyst Lv2Jewel-10View
Ancient Tanzanite Lv9Jewel-10View
Belt of MindBelt00View
Old Amulet of CharismaAmulet00View
Cursed Ruby Ring (Cursed)Ring20View
Ancient Emerald Lv9Jewel-10View
Twin EarringsEarring-20View
Ice Queen's EarringEarring00View
Unknown 20378Amulet00View
Ancient Green Kyanite Lv7Jewel-10View
Ancient Diamond Lv1Jewel-10View
Loyalty Ring of the Bunny Queen - 2020 (Blessed)Ring-15View
Old Belt of Body (Blessed)Belt00View
Amulet of Might [X] (Blessed)Amulet00View
Ring of Zenith - XRRing00View
Old Amulet of InteligenceAmulet00View
Ancient Ruby Lv3Jewel-10View
Ancient Garnet Lv3Jewel-10View
Ancient Red Jasper Lv6Jewel-10View
Old Belt of SoulBelt00View
Ring of Fire ResistanceRing00View