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Item Type: Potion | Arrow | Event | Firecracker | Food | Gem | Light | Material | Pet | Quest | Scroll | Spellbook
                      Throwing | Totem | Container | Wand | Other
 Item NameTypeOptions
Dark Crystal GaitersMaterialView
Assassin Master's BoxTreasure_boxView
Carving Knife - SCAVENGEROtherView
NFT Claim - RES Rune IIOtherView
Independence Fireworks - 2014FirecrackerView
Scroll of Teleport - Devil's IsleScrollView
Scroll of Teleportation - Pirate IslandScrollView
Feather RodFishing_rodView
Fafurion Mask InstructionsMaterialView
Dragon Tablet (Awakening : Antharas)SpellbookView
Small Dragon EggEventView
Samurai Costume - 2016Treasure_boxView
Soul Stone: TakhborkQuestitemView
Ice CrystalQuestitemView
Certificate of ValorQuestitemView
Lindvior ChestOtherView
Sweet and Sour FruitFoodView
Covid Vaccine Second DosePotionView
Soul Stone: GrootslangQuestitemView
Cristmas CardEventView
Diego's Old DiaryQuestitemView
Letter of SoulQuestitemView
Processed Sapphire 3GemView
Soul Stone: MephistophelesQuestitemView
Mineral PouchQuestitemView
Fragment of SpiritMaterialView
Soul Stone: Glacial GolemQuestitemView
Spirit Crystal(CounterMirror)SpellbookView
Blue ClothMaterialView
Tanky BuffScrollView
Water Energy Fragment S2QuestitemView
Elemental Love WandWandView
Spell Scroll (Lightning)ScrollView
NFT Claim - PEN Rune IIOtherView
Amulet of CadmusQuestitemView
Greater Soul Enchant: Armor (Blessed)ScrollView
Ancient Gold Coin (Blessed)MaterialView
Sealed Armor of Nightmare PatternMaterialView
Einhasad's BagTreasure_boxView
Cursed Elixir of ConstitutionPotionView
Bow of Expedition MemberQuestitemView
Blood of FenrirMaterialView
Yellow Angler FishFishView
Magic Block - TEventView
Birthday CakeEventView
Gold Insolence BoxTreasure_boxView
Christmas GiftTreasure_boxView
Mysterious Block Prize Bag - AntharasTreasure_boxView
Claw of Black TigerMaterialView
Ant LegFoodView