So on discord I’ve chatted with you guys to find out what kinds of things you’d be interested in some new donation packages. I got lots of good feedback and I’m happy to report I’ve come up with some new items and put together some exciting new packages for you guys to donate and show your support for!
New and Recent Items in these packs
Soul Eater Recast Scroll - These scrolls can be used in the Soul Forge by clicking on the scroll icon in the Armory next to an existing soul eater. It will allow you to reroll your soul eater’s traits! It will only work on non event soul eaters and consumes 1 scroll per reroll. Rerolls cannot be reversed once rerolled so do so carefully. These will be acquirable in other ways in the near future. See this video for more info on how to use it. Bronze Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. It also has the chance to give you an upgraded Silver Box! Silver Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. It also has the chance to give you an upgraded Gold Box! Gold Insolence Box - With a lot of people working on Soul Eaters, this means a lot of people are also working on X to XR upgrades! This box has the items to help you speed up your trek through TOI to upgrade these X gears. This box has the highest rates of the 3! Dimensional Vault Expansion - Using this item increases your Dimensional Vault item slots by 1 permanently allowing you to store more items in it. Because Dimensional Vaults are account based it can be used on any character on your account. Cupcake - Snowman - This provides a buff of 500 Resilience to make you much tougher! Cupcake - Snowflakes - This provides a buff of 500 Penetration making sure your targets feel every hit!There are many other items in these packs, so check them out and please show your support where you can!
New Donation Packages
These new donation packages also come with a bonus of providing you an extra discord role reflecting your support (role is optional, pm Zajako on discord for role). Future discord benefits may be added for these roles, like secret channels or maybe other things you guys can help come up with!
New Year 2025 Supporter Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Supporter. New Year 2025 Crusader Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Crusader. New Year 2025 Savior Package - Welcome to 2025! Thank you for showing us support and this package is designed to really appreciate your support with many new items and old! This also comes with the discord role of Savior.Thank you all for your support and allowing me to continue to develop and release new content for this game. I couldn’t be doing it for this long without you, nor can I continue to do it without you all! Please let me know what I can do to keep it up!
The winners have been drawn and now you can click the link below to see if you’ve won and claim your prize!
If you are one of these winners make sure you are logged in on the site with the same account that your winning character is on. Then click the claim button next to your character’s name.
Fill out the form and select your prizes if you had a choice of prizes.
To see the winners and/or claim your prize, go here:
Additionally for those who won a Soul Eater or NFT, please send me a PM on discord @zajako to obtain these prizes.
Festivus is here and Christmas and Haunukkah are near, I want to wish you all Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
We’ve brought back the old events like Fire vs Ice Chapter 1: The Infernal Invasion (Christmas 2023)
as well as the Santa spawning event that happens across mainland Aden. This wasn’t enough though, I wanted to throw in something new and fun! This idea was also creatively supported by my 8 year old son! He suggested I have a monster Christmas Tree that you had to fight and when I explained to him that I don’t have animations and art for that, he said then how about a tree that summoned monsters until you killed it. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Last year, we added the Festive tree of Giving, that buffed your characters, this year we add the Festive tree of Receiving!!! You can summon it with a Festivus Wand that can be obtained by Ives or a low chance from any monster above level 65.
When you use this wand, it will summon the Festive Tree of Receiving, which will then in turn summon different types of Snowmen. The tree when killed can drop Cupcake - Christmas Tree, The snowman can drop either Cupcake - Snowman or Cupcake - Snowflake. These are new items that provide powerful buffs.
Additionally The event holiday packs from last year have been re-added to the Donation Packages page, please continue to support the game as we need this support now more than ever to continue adding content to the game. The next new hunting zone is in planning stages and will add great challenge and the quest to become Tier 7, followed by some new zones that will test even those who obtain this rank!
New Items
Festivus Wand - Summons the Festive Tree of Receiving which summons other enemies that can drop cupcakes. Cupcake - Snowman - Drops from one kind of Snowman that is summoned by the Festive Tree of Receiving and provides a buff that greatly increases Resilence. Cupcake - Christmas Tree - Drops from the Festive Tree of Receiving when its destroyed and provides a buff that greatly increases Max HP. Cupcake - Snowflakes - Drops from one kind of Snowman that is summoned by the Festive Tree of Receiving and provides a buff that greatly increases Penetration.Good Luck,
Have Fun,
GM Zajako
Bready Event Details
Bread boxes are spawning in the Ancient Vortex on Easy, Normal, Hard and Nightmare Difficulties. These boxes can give you bread weapons to allow participation in other parts of the event.
Cake Batter and Hyper Bread Monsters are spawning on Talking Island (-warp 1 or use the event link on the right side of the game screen). These can only be killed with bread weapons, more damage is done with the higher enchantment level the weapon has.
The Event Tier of the Ancient Vortex where the Bready Family is has re-appeared! These monsters can only be damaged with Bready weapons and its recommended to have a high enchanted bread weapon before entering the vortex on this type.
Extra yeast was again added to the Bready weapons this year causing them to have a bonus 2000 or more Penetration damage and some of them even having up to 1000 Resilience!
The bosses of this event both in the Ancient Vortex event area and on talking island can drop dragon gemstones for XR upgrades as well as higher drop rates of Limit Break Devices!
Information on the bread weapons and some other details can be found here: Thanksgiving 2017 - The Bread Event?!?!
NovemberThon Event Details
We are already deep into November, but the NovemberThon is finally here! Turkey Day just days away! To help keep this server going with all the updates being added throughout the year we will again need your support through donations! To help show our appreciation we’ve got a number of new donation packages, events and increased rates.
Donation Event
Tickets are gained only during the months of November and December and the prizes will be drawn the first week of January. See the post for the prizes for this event is located here. All donations in November are counted toward this, even those made before this was posted. See the prizes on the boards here: NovemberThon 2024 Donation Event
Increased Gift Coin Rate for Donations
The rate all month long will be 25 gift coins per dollar donated! This can be increased up to 100% by donating larger amounts at the same time! The rate is increased at $500, $1000, $2000 and $3000. Use the donation calculator to find out exactly how many gc you get for the donation you make! Donations made this month before this post have already had their bonus delivered manually, so check your inventory.
Arcade Reopened!
The Arcade has been reopened with all the mini games and tons of new soul forged armors added to their inventories. Donations will now give bonus play tickets for the TOI board game and many donation packages will include board game plays as well.
The free plays have also begun to be delivered to online players.
Bready Event Contest
At the end of the bready event, the highest rankings on the Ancient Pathways leaderboard for the Event 1 Difficulty will get rewards! You can see your current rank here: Ancient Pathways Event Leaderboard. Only one prize can be won per person, so alt characters and accounts will not be counted for the ranking. The rewards are as follows:
Rank 1:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.
- 3 Limit Break Devices
- 3 X Protection Enchant - Weapon
- 3 X Protection Enchant - Armor
Rank 2:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.
- 1 Limit Break Devices
- 1 X Protection Enchant - Weapon
- 1 X Protection Enchant - Armor
Rank 3:
- Custom Bready Weapon that does not expire, with their name in it. This bready weapon is safe enchant to 9 and can be used in future bready events.
Other Changes
Dimensional Vault Donation Packs now provide more Slot Expansion items for each pack as well as plays for the TOI board game.
New Dimensional Vault Details
As I’m sure nearly everyone who’s played L1.5 can attest, overflowing inventory and warehouses are a constant struggle. Over the past 15 years we’ve tried many things to help make this burden lighter, including by making Elven Warehouses usable by all classes, adding a pouch equipment slot that allows adding more slots you can access in game, creating the Inventory Manager that allows transferring items between characters and warehouses and several other things. Yet here we still are with this issue! Well, not anymore! The new Dimensional Vault is an expanding site based warehouse accessable through the existing Inventory Manager! It starts out with a hefty 50 free inventory slots and is expandable with no current upper limit! That’s not all though, there are tons of other features included with it and many more planned to be added in the near future. Here are the current features that are added on release:
- The ability to transfer items To and From the Vault via the Inventory Manager to these storage locations:
- Characters Inventory
- Character Pouches
- Warehouse
- Elven Warehouse
- Starts with 50 free item slots on every account
- Expandable via Dimensional Vault Expansion Item to virtually unlimited item slots
- The ability to add items to a Auto Dimensional Pickup List that makes all drops and pickups of these items skip your inventory and go directly to the vault
The planned future features I hope to release in the near future (especially if strong support of this system is displayed ) are as follows:
- Craft from Dimensional Vault ( not having to move items from vault to character to perform crafts, it just automatically taking the required materials from the vault if present )
- Quest turn in from Dimensional Vault ( When turning in a quest, it will check the vault for required items if not present on the character )
- Item Search ( this would also work for all storage locations in the Inventory Manager helping you to quickly find that lost item )
- Site Item Claim To Dimensional Vault transfers and mass transfer
- Multi Item Selection and transfer / delete in the Inventory Manager
- Item Sorting in the Inventory Manager ( similar to how it works in game )
Please reply to this post with which features you most look forward to!
Auto Transfer to Vault Details
To cause items to skip your inventory and go directly to your dimensional vault on pickup and enemy drops, you can goto the Library and toggle this on each item via a new button in the upper right corner as shown in this image:
The green plus ( + ) means it is not currently on the dimensional pickup list so you can click it to add it to this list. A red minus ( - ) means that it is currently on the list and you can click it to remove it.
Changes to the dimensional pickup list ( and no pickup list ) require you to log out of your character and log back in. Additionally if your Dimensional Vault is full and cannot fit the item it will then be added to your inventory or if on your no pickup list, deleted.
New Items
Dimensional Vault Expansion - Using this item increases your Dimensional Vault item slots by 1 permanently allowing you to store more items in it. Because Dimensional Vaults are account based it can be used on any character on your account.New Donation Packages
Three new donation packages have been added to allow you to show support and expand your Dimensional Vault slots!
Vault Expansion Pouch - This package requires a donation of $25. It provides 6 Dimensional Vault Expansion items as well as gift coins and other donation rewards. Limited five ( 5 ) per month! Vault Expansion Jar - This package requires a donation of $100. It provides 35 Dimensional Vault Expansion items as well as gift coins and other donation rewards. Limited two ( 2 ) per month! Vault Expansion Chest - This package requires a donation of $500. It provides 200 Dimensional Vault Expansion items as well as gift coins and other donation rewards. Limited two ( 2 ) per month!Other Changes
- Pandora now sells Bless of Eva at Talking Island
- -stats now shows HP, MaxHP, MP and MaxMP values so that those who have more than 30k hp can see the actual amounts they have
- MaxHp and MaxMP over 30k now shows as a percentage in your health bar with 30k as 100% allowing you to accurately gauge your hp past 30k
Bug Fixes
- Equip / Unequip bug is fixed
- Boss summons no longer spawn in the lobby of the Holodeck
- Monster sprites have been fixed / updated / monsters renamed for the following:
- Nuclear Elekkadom
- Lava Wyrm
- Conjurer Bat Lord
- Cat
- Wild Venom
- Wild Magic
- Dark Forester
- Barbados
- Ancient Giant
- Enraged Ant Queen
- Grey Reef Shark
- Deep Sea Anemone
- Brownspot Stingray
- Creepy Carp
- Pink Sea Star
- Guardian of the Pearl
- Kraken
Update on NovemberThon
Novemberthon donation event tickets are currently active as of the start of November, I’ll be releasing the mini games and post with full information about the event very soon. Also all donations this month will be rewarded the play passes for the mini games that don’t use gift coins retroactively after the event is released, so don’t let that hold you back if you’re interested in donating sooner!
Thank You all for all your support!
Good Luck,
Have Fun
The 2024 Halloween event is here! The Pumpkin Festival has begun! With it comes many new things! Here are the highlights:
- New large pvp combat zone map
- 2 New Legendary Bosses with crazy spells and attacks
- 2 New Monsters
- 3 new Mysterious Codex Entries
- New Pumpkin Eater System (similar to Soul Eaters (more info on this later))
- 3 New Pumpkin Eater Weapons
- 2 New Pumpkin Eater Armors
- 1 New Pumpkin Eater Amulet
- 9 New Traits for Pumpkin Eaters
- Many of other items to support these new features.
New Event Zone
The new event is located at the Pumpkin Festival which you can get to by talking to Jenma who has her decorations set up in SKT, you’ll see her surrounded by Pumpkin Trees! Who knew they could grow in trees right?! Jenma can teleport you to a random location within the new map. The location is random due to the new map being a combat zone, this should allow both pvp and the ability to avoid someone teleporting straight to you to kill you when you go back in. The new map also uses the newer PVP system that balances pvp and provides a much fairer fight.
Pumpkin Eaters
So with the development of Soul Eaters I’ve sought a way to let you guys use/preview this system without having to commit fully to breaking down or feeding your main weapons. This event is exactly that, Pumpkin Eaters are very much like soul eaters but instead of feeding them X/XR Grade soul equipment, instead you feed them special Pumpkin Pails (Weapons) and Bronze, Silver and Gold Pumpkins (Armors). These special pumpkins are leveled up using Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls instead of equipping them and grinding for soul exp. You can get these Pumpkin Eaters by enchanting and using destruction scrolls on these weapon and armor pumpkins. The destruction scrolls provide the chance to create Pumpkin Seeds that can be used in the Hatchery.
New Items / Gear
Event Core - Pumpkin Seed - This Soul Core can be used in the Hatchery portion of the Soul Forge. When hatched it can provide Pumpkin Eaters, Pumpkin Soul Fuel, regular soul cores, as well as other event items. Pumpkin Enchant Scroll - This enchant can be used on Broken Pumpkin Pail, Glowing Pumpkin Pail, Bronze Pumpkin, Silver Pumpkin and Gold Pumpkin. On successful enchants the level of these items go up by 1, 2 or 3 levels. On failure depending on the level it can go down a level or have no change. The highest level this can enchant to is between level 30 and 50 depending on the type of pumpkin. Pumpkin Destruction Scroll - This enchant can be used on Broken Pumpkin Pail, Glowing Pumpkin Pail, Bronze Pumpkin, Silver Pumpkin and Gold Pumpkin. This will destroy the targeted pumpkin providing a random number of Event Core - Pumpkin Seeds based upon the target’s level. Every 10 levels the number of possible seeds it will create goes up. Broken Pumpkin Pail - Event - This is a special Weapon Type pumpkin that can’t be equipped. These can be fed to Weapon Type Pumpkin Eaters, leveled up with Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls or Destroyed with Pumpkin Destruction Scrolls. They have a max level of 40, allowing them to be fed to Pumpkin Eaters Weapons for most slots when leveled up to the highest level. Glowing Pumpkin Pail - Event - This is a special Weapon Type pumpkin that can’t be equipped. These can be fed to Weapon Type Pumpkin Eaters, leveled up with Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls or Destroyed with Pumpkin Destruction Scrolls. They have a max level of 50, allowing them to be fed to Pumpkin Eaters Weapons for all slots when leveled up to the highest level. Bronze Pumpkin - Event - This is a special Armor Type pumpkin that can’t be equipped. These can be fed to Armor Type Pumpkin Eaters, leveled up with Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls or Destroyed with Pumpkin Destruction Scrolls. They have a max level of 30, allowing them to be fed to Pumpkin Eaters Armors for lower level slots when leveled up to the highest level. Silver Pumpkin - Event - This is a special Armor Type pumpkin that can’t be equipped. These can be fed to Armor Type Pumpkin Eaters, leveled up with Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls or Destroyed with Pumpkin Destruction Scrolls. They have a max level of 40, allowing them to be fed to Pumpkin Eaters Armors for most slots when leveled up to the highest level. Gold Pumpkin - Event - This is a special Armor Type pumpkin that can’t be equipped. These can be fed to Armor Type Pumpkin Eaters, leveled up with Pumpkin Enchant Scrolls or Destroyed with Pumpkin Destruction Scrolls. They have a max level of 50, allowing them to be fed to Pumpkin Eaters Armors for all slots when leveled up to the highest level. Pumpkin Eater Armor - SE - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 3 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Glowing Pumpkin Eater Armor - SE - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 5 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Pumpkin Eater Sword - SE - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 4 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Pumpkin Eater Staff - SE - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 4 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Pumpkin Eater Bow - SE - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 4 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Pumpkin Eater Necklace - This pumpkin eater can be named and become a special soul eater that has 4 random traits including the possibility of the 8 new traits specifically for pumpkin eaters. Pumpkin Eaters will be weakened outside of the pumpkin festival event (unless it has the Pumpkin Permanence Trait). Pumpkin Fuel - Fireworks - Using this item provides a buff that provides a soul shot / spirit shot type boost for Pumpkin Eater Weapons increasing their damage. It can be obtained by hatching Pumpkin Seeds in the Hatchery.New Event Donation Packages
There have been 3 new event donation packages added with the release of this event, 2 specifically for the pumpkin festival and one a continuation of the soul forge beta.
Pumpkin Festival Starter Bundle

SXP Event: 1.5x

10Y Neck: All Def 10%
10Y Ear: Phy Damage +10%
10Y Ring: Strength +7